Result of numerical modelling of groundwater resource in the Shiraki catchment

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George Melikadze
Natalia Jukova
Natalia Jukova
Mariam Todadze
Natalia Jukova
Mariam Todadze
Sopio Vepkhvadze
Mariam Todadze
Tomas Vitvar
Sopio Vepkhvadze
Sopio Vepkhvadze
Tomas Vitvar
Tomas Vitvar


In order to assessment water resource, a numerical model of groundwater was elaborated for Shiraki area. It is consists of 3 layers. Each layer represents a porous material with different infiltration properties. The model was calibrated in transient transport mode to tritium concentration measured in boreholes and springs located in Shiraki area. Tritium was assigned as a single mobile species, not reacting with chemical elements and concentrated in water, what allowed determining the residence time of groundwater flow. The model estimated discharge and recharge zones, groundwater flow directions and velocities as well as groundwater age for Shiraki area. It is recommended to enhance the use of waters from the karstic formations as alternative drinking water sources.
Published: Mar 26, 2015

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How to Cite
Melikadze, G., Jukova, N., Jukova, N., Todadze, M., Jukova, N., Todadze, M., Vepkhvadze, S., Todadze, M., Vitvar, T., Vepkhvadze, S., Vepkhvadze, S., Vitvar, T., & Vitvar, T. (2015). Result of numerical modelling of groundwater resource in the Shiraki catchment. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 17(A). Retrieved from


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