Open thermodynamic systems: convection and similar processes modeling by the fluids bubble boiling method

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Anzor Gvelesiani


It is continued study of convective motions in different liquid geophysical environments 7by the novel solutions bubble-boiling modeling method, suggested in [1-3].This method used with purpose of modeling of one- two- or three-dimensional convection in conditions of usual laboratory is appeared quite acceptable to consider: (a) the global planetary scale circulations; (b) surface mixed layer of oceans;(c) analogy between brittle failure and statistical physics, bubble nucleation leading to boiling; (d) peculiarities of thermal waters in northern glacial regions; (e) mantle convection in the Earth. The laboratory investigation of the subject, energetic analysis and details will be reported on other occasions.

Published: Mar 31, 2015

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Gvelesiani, A. (2015). Open thermodynamic systems: convection and similar processes modeling by the fluids bubble boiling method. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 17(C). Retrieved from


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