Preliminary results of forced stick-slip synchronization area studies: experiments and theoretical models

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Tamaz Chelidze
Teimuraz Matcharashvili
Ekaterine Mepharidze
Dimitri Tephnadze
Natalia Zhukova


Synchronization phenomena are encountered in various fields, from mechanics to biological and social processes. In the paper, the results of laboratory experiments on the mechanical and electromagnetic synchronization of mechanical instability (slip) of a slider-spring system consisting of basalt blocks are presented. Slip events were recorded as acoustic emission bursts. The data allow delineating the synchronization region in the plot of forcing intensity versus forcing frequency for both mechanical and electromagnetic synchronization. Experiments are compared with theoretical models.

Published: Apr 26, 2017

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Chelidze, T., Matcharashvili, T., Mepharidze, E., Tephnadze, D., & Zhukova, N. (2017). Preliminary results of forced stick-slip synchronization area studies: experiments and theoretical models. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 19(20). Retrieved from


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