Underground water level/temperature response to seismic/tectonic transients: effects of poroelasticity

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Tamaz Chelidze


The problem of underground water flow is discussed in many publications. The upper crust down to approximately 20 km is a sequence of layers of porous/fractured fluid-saturated deformable rocks. When subjected to stress of various duration and mode, the excess transient pressure appears in the pore fluid, which can be observed practically as water level change/oscillations in boreholes. In the paper are presented elementary theoretical models of underground water level/temperature response to seismic/tectonic transients taking into account effects of poroelasticity (Biot model). Besides, a direct mechanical squeezing of pore water by seismic vibrations (instantaneous flow) is considered.

Published: Apr 26, 2017

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How to Cite
Chelidze, T. (2017). Underground water level/temperature response to seismic/tectonic transients: effects of poroelasticity. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 19(20). Retrieved from https://ggs.openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1831


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