Seismotectonic movements – one of the main receptors in exodynamic processes

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G.Jashi, T.Chelidze, V.Chichinadze


One of the most important tasks in the modern civilization is the study of the mechanism of exodynamic processes in nature, catastrophes caused by them and the problem of management of such processes. Defending society from natural disasters has become more actual problem nowadays, as disorganized and often irrational human interference in natural processes is often followed by sharp imbalance in the environment and development of vast natural catastrophes. The problem is especially acute in mountainous regions.
Published: Apr 24, 2013

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How to Cite
V.Chichinadze, G. T. (2013). Seismotectonic movements – one of the main receptors in exodynamic processes. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 15, 138–141. Retrieved from


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