The Anomalous Magnetic Field of “Kaprovani” Settlement Territory and its Geological Interpretation

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Robert A. Gogua
Jemal K. Kiria
Nugzar Ya. Ghlonti


As a result of the geomagnetic studies conducted on the territory of Kaprovani we determined the magnetic absorption intensity of the anomalous magnetic field and the sand of the territory, percentage of ferromagnetic minerals in the sand and the source of the anomalous magnetic field.

magnetic field, magnetic anomaly, magnetic absorption
Published: Dec 13, 2022

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How to Cite
Gogua, R. A. ., Kiria, J. K. ., & Ghlonti, N. Y. (2022). The Anomalous Magnetic Field of “Kaprovani” Settlement Territory and its Geological Interpretation. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 25(2).


Gogua R., Kiria J., Gvantseladze T. The magnetic field of Guria territory and its geological interpretation. Trans. of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, vol. 69, 2018.