Some Results of Radioecology Monitoring of Black Earth Soils of Georgia

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Sophiko B. Matiashvili
Zaur J. Chanqseliani


Based on radioecological monitoring data, the average content of 137Cs and 90Sr in 2019-2023 in the black earth soils of Georgia was studied. The obtained results are marked with the corresponding coordinates and given on the map. The average content of 137Cs in black earth soils was determined to be 13.9 Bq/kg. The standard deviation is 14.0 Bq/kg. The content of 137Cs in almost 95% of black earth soils does not exceed 32 Bq/kg. The average content of 90Sr in soils is 4.1 Bq/kg. The highest 137Cs contamination is recorded in the Samtskhe–Javakheti region of Georgia (Akhalkalaki, Akhaltsikhe, Vale, Ninotsminda, Adigeni, Aspindza, Akhaldaba). Radionuclides in the mentioned soils, namely 226Ra content is 23 Bq/kg, 232Th is 31 Bq/kg. As for 40K-500 Bq/kg. The role of long-term decay products 210Pb in the contamination of agricultural products is discussed.

radioecology, soils, radionuclides
Published: Aug 26, 2024

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How to Cite
Matiashvili, S. B., & Chanqseliani, Z. J. (2024). Some Results of Radioecology Monitoring of Black Earth Soils of Georgia. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 27(N1). Retrieved from


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