Comparative Analysis of the Distribution of Number of Days with Hail Per Annum on the Territory of Kakheti According to the Data of the Meteorological Stations and State Insurance Service of Georgia
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The results of the comparative analysis of distribution on the territory of Kakheti of the number days with the hail per year according to the data of Hydrometeorological Department (8 stations - Akhmeta, Gurjaani, Dedoplistskaro, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Sagarejo, Signagi, Kvareli; the registration of all days with the hail) and the State Insurance Service of Georgia (123 locations, the registration of the days with hail fall, which led to the damage of agricultural crops) are represented. Period of the study: 1982, 1984-1989 for State Insurance Service data and 49-94 year(including 2016) for data of Hydrometeorological Department of Georgia. In particular it is obtained that for the points Akhmeta, Gurjaani, Sagarejo, Signagi and Kvareli on the meteorological stations the larger number of days with the hail was recorded, than by the State Insurance Service in the same territories. For the points Dedoplistskaro, Telavi and Lagodekhi this difference is insignificant. The detailed analysis of distribution on the territory of Kakheti of the number of days with hail according to the data of both indicated organizations also is carried out.
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