Impact of Current Climate Change on Frost Characteristic Parameters in Western Georgia using 2007-2022 Year Meteorological Data

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Naili I. Kapanadze
Marika R. Tatishvili
Irina P. Mkurnalidze
Ana M. Palavandishvili


According to the weather stations 2007-2022 data in Western Georgia, the distribution of the intensity of frosts of different intensity has been studied. The early, average and late dates of the last spring and the first autumn frost in the research period have been determined. In 2007-2022 period in comparison with the 1951-1965 one, a shift in the average values of freezing has been revealed for the last spring frosts for about 1-14 days earlier, and for the first autumn frosts 7-10 days later, which increased the duration of frost-free periods and, accordingly, the duration of the vegetation period by 11- 21 days, which corresponds to 10-17%. An exception is Akhaltsikhe, where the reduction of frost-free periods by 15 (9%) days has been detected against the background of climate change. The dependence of frost-free periods on the Arctic Oscillation has been found.

freezing, frost-free period, freezing intensity, arctic oscillation.
Published: Aug 26, 2024

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How to Cite
Kapanadze, N. I., Tatishvili, M. R., Mkurnalidze, I. P., & Palavandishvili, A. M. (2024). Impact of Current Climate Change on Frost Characteristic Parameters in Western Georgia using 2007-2022 Year Meteorological Data. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 27(N1). Retrieved from


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