Simulation of point explosion’s seismic energy by means of the frequency spectrum of body waves

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Z. kereselidze
N. Tsereteli
N. Tsereteli


Solve the inverse problem, which is aimed at modeling a discrete frequency spectrum of seismic body waves generated by artificially weak point explosion or a natural earthquake (M ≤ 4). Proposed a spherical model of the hollow area of the point explosion and used a well-known analytical method for modeling the hydro-mechanical oscillations of a liquid drop. Innovation in the  applied work is the use of a complete solution of the radial Euler equation. Such a modification of the classical scheme, which uses only an internal solution is mathematically quite correct, because it means virtuality  of seismic source’s elastic oscilation. As a result, with the help of the discrete spectrum of seismic body waves can be determined the linear parameters and total energy of  point explosion (weak earthquake) that is  approximated as a hollow body  with  spherical shape.

weak earthquake, hollow area, elastic oscilation, fundamental frequency.
Published: Mar 26, 2015

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How to Cite
kereselidze, Z., Tsereteli, N., & Tsereteli, N. (2015). Simulation of point explosion’s seismic energy by means of the frequency spectrum of body waves. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 17(A). Retrieved from


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