Thy Consistent Criterion for Stationary Gaussion Statistical Structures

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Zurab S. Zerakidze
Jemal K. Kiria
Tengiz V. Kiria
Ivane N. Loladze


In the paper there are discussed Gaussion statistical structures  in Hilbert space of measures. We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of such criterion in Hilbert space of measures.

Consistent criterion, orthogonal, strongly separable statistical structures, мClassification cocles 62H05, 62H12
Published: Dec 3, 2018

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How to Cite
Zerakidze, Z. S., Kiria, J. K., Kiria, T. V., & Loladze, I. N. (2018). Thy Consistent Criterion for Stationary Gaussion Statistical Structures. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 21(1). Retrieved from


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