The Geography of Risks of Breakthrough of Glacial Lakes and Valleys
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Against the background of climate warming, various natural events are frequent. One of them is floods, which occur when drowned lakes that are damaged by many factors break through. Such events are common during the advance and retreat of glaciers. The resulting dammed lakes differ from each other in their strength, duration, character and other properties. The result of floods has mostly a negative impact on the surrounding area in the glacier valley. There are examples of both processes in Georgia, and their results are always negative, so their study and some kind of systematization is necessary to properly manage the expected natural event to avoid the catastrophic consequences of overflowing floods.
Article Details
Kartvelishvili L., Tatishvili M., Amiranashvili A., Megrelidze L., Kutaladze N. Weather, Climate and their Change Regularities for the Conditions of Georgia. Monograph, Publishing House “UNIVERSAL”, ISBN: 978-9941-33-465-8, Tbilisi 2023, 406 p.
Amiranashvili A. Variability of the Average Annual Air Temperature in Tbilisi Against the Background of Global Warming in 1880-2021. II International Scientific Conference “Landscape Dimensions of Sustainable Development Science – Carto/GIS – Planning – Governance”, Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of Professor Nikoloz (Niko) Beruchashvili, Proceedings, 12-16 September 2022, Tbilisi, Georgia, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press, 2022, ISBN 978-9941-36-030-5, pp. 265-269.
Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Kutaladze N., Megrelidze L., Tatishvili M. Variability of the Mean Max Annual Air Temperature in 39 Locations of Georgia in 1956-2015. Int. Sc. Conf. "Geophysical Processes in the Earth and its Envelopes". Proceedings, ISBN 978-9941-36-147-0, Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, November 16-17, 2023, pp. 122-126.
Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Kutaladze N., Megrelidze L., Tatishvili M. Comparison of the Mean Max Annual, Seasonal and Monthly Air Temperature Variability in Tbilisi and Shovi in 1956-2022. Int. Sc. Conf. "Geophysical Processes in the Earth and its Envelopes". Proceedings, ISBN 978-9941-36-147-0, Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, November 16-17, 2023, pp. 127-132.
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Glacial Flooding Threatens Millions Globally.
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