Conical Model of Non-Uniform Rotation and Interaction of Elements of the Atmospheric Rotation Chain in a Linear Approximation

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Zurab A. Kereselidze
Avtandil G. Amiranashvili
Victor A. Chikhladze
Marina S. Chkhitunidze
George J. Lominadze
Eleonora B. Tchania


The global atmosphere can be considered as an open thermodynamic system within which various disturbing factors act. For example, even in calm atmospheric conditions, orography can cause a violation of the stationary thermal balance between the Earth and the atmosphere. In general, the formation of vortex structures in any gaseous or liquid medium is stochastically determined. This means that the process of vortex formation is to a certain extent probabilistic. Therefore, in mathematical modeling of the field of atmospheric gyres, it is rational to exclude random factors by identifying specific contributing conditions. For example, a strong division of the earth's relief contributes to turbulence of air flows on a regional and local scale. In particular, the process of formation of low-intensity atmospheric vortices in mountain valleys can always be considered as a violation of local stability, the cause of which is the unevenness of the temperature field created at the boundary of different orography and landscapes. Also, the generation of vortices and the process of their dissipation in the atmosphere can always be considered as a violation of the stability of the environment on certain spatial scales, which is expressed in the violation of its thermodynamic parameters.

atmospheric vortices, thermodynamic parameters, relief, mathematical modeling.
Published: Dec 23, 2024

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How to Cite
Kereselidze, Z. A., Amiranashvili, A. G., Chikhladze, V. A., Chkhitunidze, M. S., Lominadze, G. J., & Tchania, E. B. (2024). Conical Model of Non-Uniform Rotation and Interaction of Elements of the Atmospheric Rotation Chain in a Linear Approximation. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 27(2). Retrieved from


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