M9 Tohoku earthquake response in Georgia – possible local tremors and hydroseismic effects
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Presently, there are a lot of observations on the significant impact of strong remote earthquakes on underground water and local seismicity regimeы (so called nonvolcanic or dynamical tremors). On the other side, teleseismic wave trains give rise to several hydraulic effects in boreholes, namely water level oscillations, which mimic seismograms (hydroseismograms). Both these effects are closely related to each other as one of main factors reducing local strength of rocks is the pore pressure of fluids. Some evidence of possible dynamic triggering from great Tohoku (M9) earthquake has been obtained recently in the West Caucasus. Besides tremors, clear identical anomalies on the large part of territory of Georgia from Borjomi to Kobuleti in the borehole water levels has been observed at passing S- and Love-Rayleigh teleseismic waves of Tohoku earthquake. We presume that coincidence of possible tremor signal with water level anomaly (oscillation) makes much more reliable event classification as a triggered one. We also report a new observation on water level oscillations during passage of multiple surface Rayleigh waves.
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