Additional experiments on the study of peculiarities of clear water, H2O, and both water sugar, С12Н22О11, and edible salt, NaCl, solutions of maximal densities by means of original fluids bubble boiling method
Main Article Content
There are considered results of the laboratory works which continue the modeling of vertical convective motions in different geophysical fluids (theoretically) and (experimentally) – in artificial and natural water solutions – by means of suggested before original fluids bubble boiling method (FBBM)[1, 2]. Using the edible salt and sugar water solutions, peculiarities of their temperature-density, T(ρ), temperature-time, T(t), entropy-temperature, ΔS(T), and heat intensity-time, Q׳(t), functional dependences were investigated experimentally, in detail. Three characteristic values of temperature of the bubble boiling regime change, T (H2O) = T(C12H22O11) = 400C, 800C, 1000C and T(NaCl) = 400C, 800C, 1080C, were found, respectively. These values were obtained on the base of detail experiments for accessible intervals of densities (minimal-maximal) equal, respectively: Δρ(NaCl) = (1.01–1.2) g cm-3 и Δρ(C12H22O11) = (1.04 –1.47) g cm-3. Experimental curves T(ρ), T(t) and ΔS(T), as a rule, in the temperature interval ΔT = 400C – 800C undergo the discontinuity of the second kind. They allowed us to establish the law of appearance of the points of the second kind discontinuities. Obtained T(ρ), T(t) and ΔS(T) experimental curves (Figs. 1-6) have universal character, are independent on the substrate’s nature and initial temperature of the researched solutions. They give sufficiently full information about new results of provided experiments, which may have not only applied meaning. It is necessary to emphasize an importance of obtained experimental dependences, (T(ρ), Т(t), ΔS(T), and Q׳(t)) from the point of view of opening perspectives of development and deepening of suggested method both to avoid superfluous technical efforts quickly and without error, find main characteristics of investigated fluids.
Article Details
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