Research of Regional Atmospheric Wave Motion Taking Into Consideration of Relief Singularities

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Zurab A. Khvedelidze


Regional atmospheric wave motions are studied on the base of hydrothermodynamical combined equations. So called modified equations are analyzed in quasi-geostrophic, quasiadiabatic approach taking into consideration relief and influence of β-effect. Using functions of influence the proper solution is indicated and their functions are analyzed. On the base of analyze of these functions, some facts about Transcaucasia, already known in the synoptic practice are firstly approved theoretically, including the fact that almost no air masses are intruded in the Caucasus directly from the north. Besides, on the basis of the full system of hydrothermodinamical equations, wave motion is researched. In the result, the fact that atmospheric processes on the Caucasus have the elongated nature along the parallel (the Caucasian mountain range) was approved, wave relieves are spread from the west to the east. The theoretical opinion is expressed to explain why temperature is fallen in the East Georgia and raised in West Georgia on the background of global warming. It is noted that the waves of so called neutral type and stationary waves may be on Transcaucasia if some condition is fulfilled between mountain characteristic parameters and the corresponding wave quantities. Period of these waves was calculated and their existence is approved according to analyzing of the photos of clouds received from the artificial satellite. The most of conclusions and results are recommended in the weather forecast service of Georgia.

regional atmospheric wave motion
Published: Feb 9, 2017

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Khvedelidze, Z. A. (2017). Research of Regional Atmospheric Wave Motion Taking Into Consideration of Relief Singularities. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 14(2). Retrieved from


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