The geomagnetic variation in Dusheti observatory related with earthquake activity in East Georgia

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T.Jimsheladze,G.Melikadze, A.Chankvetadze,R.Gagua,T.Matiashvili


Before strong earthquake magnetic precursors denoted by many authors, but must to say, that more of them don’t satisfy stern criterions.

The method of earthquake’s predictions are based on the correlation between geomagnetic quakes and the incoming minimum (or maximum) of tidal gravitational potential. The geomagnetic quake is defined as a jump of day mean value of geomagnetic field one minute standard deviation measured at least 2.5 times per second. The probability time window for the incoming earthquake or earthquakes is approximately ± 1 day for the tidal minimum and for the maximum- ± 2 days. The statistic evidence for reliability of the geomagnetic precursor is based on the distributions of the time difference between occurred and predicted earthquakes for the period January-June of 2012 for Dusheti region.

Published: Apr 24, 2013

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How to Cite
A.Chankvetadze,R.Gagua,T.Matiashvili, T. (2013). The geomagnetic variation in Dusheti observatory related with earthquake activity in East Georgia. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 15, 118–127. Retrieved from


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