Hydrogeological and Speleometeorological Dynamics of the Prometheus and Sataplia Show-Caves, Imereti, Georgia

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Martin Kralik
Rudolf Pavuza
George Melikadze


Prometheus Cave

Water Dynamics

  • Rainwater enters the cave relatively quickly at several places therefore guided cave tours should be stopped during strong and long lasting storms
  • Water at the lower part of the cave runs as a small brook with a few litres per second (low flow first week of March 2014) up to approximately 1 cubic meter per second during strong floods
  • During low water flow in March the microbiological contamination is high and in agreement with traces of artificial sweeteners and corrosion inhibitorsindicating inflow of domestic waste water into the cave
  • The recharge area of the cave waters should be mapped and waste water treatment of houses and farms in this area should be managed and monitored.
გამოქვეყნებული: Mar 26, 2015

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როგორ უნდა ციტირება
Kralik, M., Pavuza, R., & Melikadze, G. (2015). Hydrogeological and Speleometeorological Dynamics of the Prometheus and Sataplia Show-Caves, Imereti, Georgia. საქართველოს გეოფიზიკური საზოგადოების ჟურნალი, 17(A). Retrieved from https://ggs.openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1629


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