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E. Sakvarelidze
Z. Sharadze
K. Mirianashvili


It is known, that when preparing for an earthquake, at the time of the earthquake and in the period following the earthquake in the epicenter area generated infrar-alow frequency (0.001-10 Hz) weak electromagnetic fields that are registered in areas far from the epicenter. Generated by an earthquake infra-alow frequency fields superimposed on electromagnetic fields of Schumann resonance frequencies, causing changes in the biosphere, the low frequency electromagnetic situation . Values ​​of the Schumann resonance frequency  can also be changed by propagation generated by earthquake acoustic-gravity waves (AGW). The amplitude of ionospheric perturbations caused by earthquakes, peaks at a height of Alven resonator (layer F). AGW generated by earthquake and associated propagation of disturbances in the Schumann and Alven resonators alters background ultralow frequency electromagnetic situation of the biosphere and related with this changing biological effect.

გამოქვეყნებული: Mar 27, 2015

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როგორ უნდა ციტირება
Sakvarelidze, E., Sharadze, Z., & Mirianashvili, K. (2015). ABOUT THE MECHANISM OF IMPACT OF EARTHQUAKES ON HUMAN HEALTH. საქართველოს გეოფიზიკური საზოგადოების ჟურნალი, 17(A). Retrieved from https://ggs.openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1635


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