Study of Kutaisi City Atmospheric Air Pollution with PM10 Particles using Numerical Modeling. A Case of Fresh Western Background Breeze

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Aleksandre A. Surmava
Vepkhia G. Kukhalashvili
Natia G. Gigauri
Liana N. Intskirveli


Study of Kutaisi city atmospheric air pollution with PM10 particles has been conducted by means of combined integration of 3D regional model of atmospheric processes evolution and equation of admixtures transfer-diffusion. Patterns of PM10 concentration time chance and spatial distribution have been obtained. It has been shown that a formed field of wind velocity promotes PM10 particles transportation from the city and atmosphere “self-purification” process. It has been obtained by calculations that aerosol propagation process conventionally runs by four stages and depends on motor transport traffic intensity, trunk roads’ location and city relief. Relatively high pollution zones have been identified. It has been established that thermal stability of the atmosphere in the surface layer of atmosphere plays crucial role in time change of microaerosols’ concentration and high concentrations formation process.   

PM10 pollution of atmosphere, numerical modeling, concentration, fresh western breeze.
Published: Aug 26, 2024

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How to Cite
Surmava, A. A., Kukhalashvili, V. G., Gigauri, N. G., & Intskirveli, L. N. (2024). Study of Kutaisi City Atmospheric Air Pollution with PM10 Particles using Numerical Modeling. A Case of Fresh Western Background Breeze. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 27(N1). Retrieved from


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