Seismic catalog for Georgia

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N. Tsereteli
O. Varazanashvili
M. Kupradze
N. Kvavadze
Z. Gogoladze


A homogeneous reliable earthquake catalog is very important in seismic hazard assessment.  The accuracy of earthquake location calculation, also accuracy of magnitude estimation influence on delineation and parameterization of seismic sources.  In this work, we summarize all our attempt to obtain modern earthquake catalog for Georgia

In this work, there are two main goals: 1) Drafting a new catalog of historical earthquakes of Georgia and 2) Compilation of new instrumental seismic catalog of Georgia. In the process of compiling the level of the magnitude completeness was limited to: MS³2.9 or MW³4.0.

გამოქვეყნებული: Apr 26, 2017

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როგორ უნდა ციტირება
Tsereteli, N., Varazanashvili, O., Kupradze, M., Kvavadze, N., & Gogoladze, Z. (2017). Seismic catalog for Georgia. საქართველოს გეოფიზიკური საზოგადოების ჟურნალი, 19(20). Retrieved from


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