Stick-slip process and solitary waves

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Nodar Varamashvili


The mechanism of seismic and various engineering processes are explained well by the theory of stick-slip. We investigated stick-slip process in experimental spring-slider system by recording acoustic emission, accompanying the slip events. In the onset of expanded acoustic recordings can be seen a pulse, which is repeated in other records also. We think that its existence must be associated with solitary waves. Soliton wave arises in the process of stick-slip, propagates along the contact surface between the plates and produces a maximum effect on the upper plate at its end point in the direction of sliding. These impacts may affect triggering of new stick-slip events. It is important to generalize the above considered phenomenon for the earthquake event and to use it for explanation of triggering  mechanism of the earthquake.
გამოქვეყნებული: Apr 23, 2013

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როგორ უნდა ციტირება
Varamashvili, N. (2013). Stick-slip process and solitary waves. საქართველოს გეოფიზიკური საზოგადოების ჟურნალი, 15, 98–137. Retrieved from


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