Generation, intensification and self-organization of internal-gravity wave structures in the Earth’s ionosphere with directional wind shear

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Aburjania G.D, Chargazia K.Z


The linear mechanism of generation, intensification and further nonlinear dynamics of internal gravity waves (IGW) in stably stratified dissipative ionosphere with non-uniform zonal wind (shear flow) is studied. In case of the shear flows the operators of linear problem are non-selfadjoint, and the corresponding Eigen functions - nonorthogonal. Thus, canonical - modal approach is of less use studying such motions. Non-modal mathematical analysis becomes more adequate for such problems. On the basis of non-modal approach, the equations of dynamics and the energy transfer of IGW disturbances in the ionosphere with a shear flow is obtained. Necessary conditions of  instability of the considered shear flows  are obtained. The increment of shear instability of IGW is defined. Exact analytical solutions of the linear as well as the nonlinear dynamic equations of the problem are built. It is revealed that the transient amplification of IGW disturbances due time does not flow exponentially, but in algebraic - power law manner. The frequency and wave-number of the generated IGW modes are functions of time. Thus in the ionosphere with the shear flow, a wide range of wave disturbances are produced by the linear effects, when the nonlinear and turbulent ones are absent. The effectiveness of the linear amplification mechanism of IGW at interaction with non-uniform zonal wind is analyzed. It is shown that at initial linear stage of evolution IGW effectively temporarily draws energy from the shear flow significantly increasing (by order of magnitude) own amplitude and energy. With amplitude growth the nonlinear mechanism of self-localization turns on and the process ends with self-organization of nonlinear solitary, strongly localized IGW vortex structures. Therefore, a new degree of freedom of the system and accordingly, the path of evolution of disturbances appear in a medium with shear flow. Depending on the type of shear flow velocity profile the nonlinear IGW structures can be the pure monopole vortices, the transverse vortex chain or the longitudinal vortex street in the background of non-uniform zonal wind. Accumulation of these vortices in the ionosphere medium can create the strongly turbulent state.

გამოქვეყნებული: Apr 25, 2013

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როგორ უნდა ციტირება
Chargazia K.Z, A. G. (2013). Generation, intensification and self-organization of internal-gravity wave structures in the Earth’s ionosphere with directional wind shear. საქართველოს გეოფიზიკური საზოგადოების ჟურნალი, 15, 65–94. Retrieved from


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